Research Database
Unbiased macro, sector, market, and company-level commercial real estate research and analysis
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Gain access to our procured research feed. 80+ investment bank reports daily arrive and only the important information makes it's way to the feed, in an outlined form.
It comes from the dozens of API's we've integrated to our database from investment banks, hedge funds, government open source endpoints to simplify and eliminate wasted time.

Continuous Flow
We release more than 500 reports and insights each year, with an extensive library containing thousands more, aimed at elucidating, predicting, and shaping both private and public commercial real estate markets. Our dedicated team of real estate experts, immersed in the field, generates top-tier research that is widely read by major institutional real estate investors, lenders, portfolio managers, and service providers.
How it works?
Snapforce is connected to dozens of third party application programming interfaces and web hooks, which pull new information constantly. We have relationships with Bloomberg LP, EPDR, and many individual investment banks and hedge funds both from within the U.S. and internationally.
We also have agreements to purchase proprietary research sold by large aggregators and investment banks. This is a costly endeavor but it allows us to constantly have the best, complete picture of what's happening.