Quickbooks Online Integration

The Quickbooks Online integration is available for all customers regardless of edition. To begin syncing your Snapforce Accounts and Invoices with Quickbooks Online follow the below steps.


  1. Quickbooks Company ID number.

To find your company id, login to quickbooks online and hold down Control > Alt > ?. The below pop-up will appear with your company id number (the below number is not fully visible for security). Do not include the last two digits.Find Your Quickbooks Online Company ID

Integration Steps

  1. Login to Snapforce with Administrator credentials
  2. Click your username on the top navigation bar > Settings > Integrations > Quickbooks.
  3. Enter the app name "Quickbooks Online" and your quickbooks "Company ID" (explained above under "prerequisites"), then press "Submit" button.
    Snapforce CRM Connect to Quickbooks Button
  4. Click the "Connect to Quickbooks" button.
  5. You will be redirected to an intuit authentication page that looks like the below screenshot. Click "Authorize" button.
    Snapforce CRM Quickbooks Online Oauth2 Authentication

  6. You will be redirected back to Snapforce, and will see a "Quickbooks Session Active" if successful.


  • After you successfully complete the above authentication process, the original "Connect to Quickbooks" button will no longer appear.