Backing Up Your Data

You have the ability to set up a scheduled export of all data within Snapforce. The backup contains all information entered for each record within the system, including activities.

To schedule a weekly backup, click your Username -> Settings.

Under Data Administration, click Backup.

You will be brought to the Backup section. Choose a backup mode.

Data - back up only records

Files - back up any files that were uploaded to the system.

Both - backs up records AND files.

Choose a frequency. For the weekly backup, you will select Weekly.

Once you select the mode and a frequency, click Save.

The backup will run every Monday at 12:00 AM EST. It will be available for download within this section.

You also have the ability to perform an immediate backup of your data.

To do this, follow the steps above, selecting Now - One time backup as the frequency.

This will produce a file containing all data that will be available for download within this section.